You should understand how EmailSentry works and be familiar with the Config File information in EmailSentry Configuration before making changes to your EmailSentry Config Files with this program.
Obviously this program only works if you have a EmailSentry License
What it does
This program allows you to make changes to your Fixed Config File and your Live Config File.
After you change your Fixed Config File, your users must use the (re)configure link on your MoreInfo page to load the changes onto their PCs.
After you change your Live Config File, your users only have to exit and re-start Outlook to load your changes.
How to run it
For either Config File, Fixed or Live, you can paste XML directly into the XML fields below, or you can upload an XML file from your PC. When you upload, the XML replaces anything in the XML field, and it appears in the field as if you had entered it there. You can also make changes to the XML directly in the field.
Use the ValidateXML button to verify that your XML is "valid" Config File XML.
When you are satisfied that your XML is correct use either Save button to save your Config File.
What it shows
When you refresh the page or go to save either file, the program checks that your XML is "valid". If it finds any errors, it prevents you from saving the file until you fix them.