
Protocol Analyzer

ScriptTelnet is Telnet testing on steroids. See Internet/scripttelnet/Documentation for more information.

Before using ScriptTelnet we recommend trying it out on a well-known working service. Template HTTP to your home page is a good example.

How to run it

The first thing to do is load a Template. Templates are our starter Scripts. They give you a head-start on the Steps that go into interacting with Internet services. No matter what Internet service you want to connect to, starting with one of our Templates makes it easier. Use the dropdown to select one.

Once you load a Template, you change the Steps in the Script to run your specific test. The Steps say what you want to send to the remote server, and what you expect it to send back. See Internet/scripttelnet/Documentation for details about what can go into a Step.

Before editing the Script, fill in the Server address and port that you will be testing. Leave Raw mode unchecked. It lets you control what character(s) end each line you send, but the default \r\n characters almost always work.

You work with ScriptTelnet by making changes to the Script shown on the screen and running it. The Ins and Del buttons insert or delete Steps in your Script. A Step has three parts:

  • Send a line to the remote server,
  • Read something back from it, or
  • Do something (i.e. turn on encryption)
How long to wait for the Step to complete before moving to the next Step
  • for Send, the line to send
  • for Read, a string to look for
  • for Do, the word "StartTLS"

Send is simple. There is no time-out, and whatever you put in the Data field is sent to the remote server.

Read does use the TimeOut. ScriptTelnet reads whatever the remote server sends until nothing is sent for TimeOut seconds, OR until the remote server sends the string (actually a java.util.regex.Pattern regex in the Data field.

Typically TimeOut works best as it waits for the remote server to finish whatever it is sending. However you can speed up your Scripts by matching the last thing it sends instead, saving the TimeOut seconds. Because ScriptTelnet works in "line" mode, you only have to match something on the last line, not the exact end of the last line. But be sure to match only the last line, or the remaining lines will show up in the wrong place in the output, or your Script may fail.

Do is used to turn on encryption. Use the Refresh Steps button after adding or changing a Do Step.

Use the Run button to connect to the remote server and Run your script.

If the result of your Script is too long to work with on a web page, or it downloads some binary or other data that you cannot decode, use the Download Result button to put the Results in a file and download it to your PC.

Use the Clear button to delete the Script you are working on and return to the Load Template screen.

The XML Mode switches ScriptTelnet to raw XML mode. See XML and Saving Scripts for details about XML Mode.

What it does

Whenever you are ready to run your Script, just click Run. ScriptTelnet will connect to the service on the server IP and Port that you specified and run your Script.

The output from the service appears in Test Results.

What it shows

The output looks just like the telnet or openssl session would look on your screen. It doesn't just look like it, it is the same thing. Just much easier!

Input Fields

You need to have a Subscription on this site before you can use this tool.

See the instructions above. This tool is powerful and could be abused.