On-line Real Time Email Authentication Testing and Verification Using CheckTLS.

CheckTLS.com can test whether the Email Authentication Technologies that you have installed are correctly authenticating your email, and whether the Email Authentication Technologies you use to authenticate someone else's email are correctly deciding which emails are authentic and which are not.

Can the world tell that an email that purports to be from you is really from you, and can you tell that an email that comes from your trading partner is really from that trading partner?

While it is important to test any new security feature as you install and implement it, it is just as important to regularly verify that each security feature is still working and working correctly.

TL;DR; We describe how to test Email Authentication technologies in four areas:

  • Sender tells Receiver how to verify the Sender (Senders test their setup)
  • Receiver tells Sender how to verify the Receiver (Receivers test their setup)
  • Sender uses Receiver instructions to verify the Receiver (Senders test their response)
  • Receiver uses Sender instructions to verify the Sender (Receivers test their response)

The technologies testing described here are:

  • TLS (Transport Layer Security)
  • DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions)
  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework)
  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance)
  • BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Authentication)
  • DANE (DNS-based Authentication)
  • MTA-STS (Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security)
  • TLS-RPT (Transport Layer Security Reporting)

Email has two sides: Sender and Receiver. Each side can publish instructions for how the other side should authenticate it. And each side can follow the published instructions to authenticate the other. Here we provide instructions for how a Sender can test if they have correctly published (setup) one or more of the authentication technologies available to them, how a Receiver can test if they have correctly published (setup) one of more of the authentication technologies available to them, how a Sender can test if they correctly process (respond) a technology that a Receiver has published (setup), and how a Receiver can test if they correctly process (respond) a technology that a Sender as published (setup).

The table below shows for each email authentication technology, which side sets up the technology and which side checks the technology. Green background cells below are testable on CheckTLS and are described in the rest of this document. CheckTLS currently tests the "setup" sides and is working to add tests for the "respond" sides.

who it protects who checks it what it does Sender setup Sender checks Receiver setup Receiver checks
TLS Both Both encrypts (hides) email content, verifies Receiver's identity enables TLS in their email system that Receiver offers TLS enables TLS in their email system that Sender agrees to switch to TLS
DNSSEC Both Both protects DNS records enables DNSSEC enables DNSSEC that DNS records it fetches are authentically signed
SPF Sender Receiver limits where email comes from publishes DNS SPF record listing valid IP addresses enables SPF that email is coming from SPF listed IP address
DKIM Sender Receiver protects email contents, verifies the Sender publishes DNS DKIM record, signs outgoing email enables DKIM that the received email's signature is valid
DMARC Sender Receiver prevents SPF or DKIM from being disabled, inform Senders of problems publishes DNS DMARC record enables DMARC that either SPF or DKIM (or both) validated, report results to Senders
BIMI Sender Receiver requires DMARC, gives reader a visual verification of authtication (Sender's logo) uses DMARC, registers their logo, publishes DNS BIMI record pointing to the logo enables BIMI that email has BIMI header, DMARC passed, and logo is registered
DANE Receiver Sender protects TLS enables DANE that the SSL Certificate sent by Receiver is authentic publishes DNS TLSA records listing SSL Certificate requirements, uses DNSSEC
MTA-STS Receiver Sender limits where email is sent to enables MTA-STS that it must use TLS and only sends email to servers listed in MTA-STS information publishes MTA-STS information in DNS and HTTPS
TLS-RPT Receiver Sender inform Receivers about issues with their TLS enables TLS-RPT reports any TLS problems to Receiver publishes TLS-RPT record with how to send reports

What should Senders test?

Technologies used by Receivers (the entity getting an email) to verify Senders (the entity sending an email) include TLS, DNSSEC, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and BIMI. For a Receiver to be able to use these, the Sender has to have set them up correctly. See below for how a Sender can test their TLS, DNSSEC, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and BIMI setup: Senders test their setup.

The technologies used by Senders to verify Receivers include TLS, DNSSEC, DANE, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT. For a Sender to use these, it must be configured to check each technology and told what to do if the technology cannot authenticate the Receiver. A Sender may still want to send the email even if it cannot authenticate the Receiver, for example because the email doesn't contain anything important or because the Sender has no other way to reach the Receiver. See below for how a Receiver can test how it handles failures of TLS, DNSSEC, DANE, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT: Senders test their response.

What should Receivers test?

Technologies used by Senders (the entity sending an email) to verify Receivers (the entity that will get the email) include TLS, DNSSEC, DANE, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT. For a Sender to be able to use these, the Receiver has to have sent them up correctly. See below for how a Receiver can test their TLS, DNSSEC, DANE, MTA-STS, and TLS-RPT setup: Receivers test their setup.

The technologies used by Receivers to verify Senders include TLS, DNSSEC, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and BIMI. For a Receiver to use these, it must be configured to check each technology and told what to do if the technology cannot authenticate the Sender. A Receiver may still want to receive the email even if it cannot authenticate the Sender, but mark the email as suspect or move it to a special folder. See below for how a Sender can test how it handles failures of TLS, DNSSEC, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and BIMI: Receivers test their response.

Senders test their setup.


TLS encrypts email contents and verifies the Receiver. For TLS to work correctly both Sender and Receiver have to have it enabled. Every modern email server has the capability to do TLS. Senders just need to turn it on.

To test if your Sender has TLS enabled, use the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test to see if your email system will use TLS to send an email. Follow the instructions to tell CheckTLS to listen for an email from you and exactly how to send that email. CheckTLS will email you back an email that says either "SUCCESSFUL...your email was sent securely using TLS", or "FAILED...your email was NOT SENT SECURELY using TLS".

You can view details about the TLS connection by opening the Select Extra Items to Show section of the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test and selecting the options for TLS Status, SSL Version Used, and SSL Cipher Used. Follow the instruction to send another email to CheckTLS and in the results email you will get from CheckTLS, look for lines like:

TLS: Successful SSLVersion: TLSv1_3 SSLCipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384


For all of the security features outlined here, DNS is used to provide one or more critical pieces of information necessary to make the feature work. DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) protects DNS lookups from being removed, spoofed, altered, or extra answers added.

To test if your Sender has DNSSEC enabled, use the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test to see if the DNS lookups used to send email are protected by DNSSEC. Follow the instructions to tell CheckTLS to listen for an email from you and exactly how to send that email. Before starting the listener, expand the Select Extra Items to Show section and turn on Check DNSSEC. Your results, whether SUCCESS or FAIL, will show if DNSSEC protected with DNSSEC.

NOTE: the Check DNSSEC option is still in development at CheckTLS.com.


SPF verifies where an email comes from. To test if your Sender has SPF setup, use the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test to view your SPF record from DNS and check that a sent email comes from a server listed in that record. Add SPF to the test (under Select Extra Options to Show) and follow the instructions to run the test. In the results email you will get from CheckTLS, look for lines like (lines may wrap but each color should be a single line):

SPF DNS checktls.com,, SPF DNS checktls.com 20 mail12-do.checktls.com.,10 mail11-do.checktls.com. SPF DNS checktls.com google-site-verification=AsgP5ibWfjEqqi7dy_fN_DWPtzfYcwn0ETAW96ICc04,"v=spf1 a mx a:whitelist.checktls.com a:spf.checktls.com -all",google-site-verification=AsgP5ibWfjEqqi7dy_fN_DWPtzfYcwn0ETAW96ICc04,"v=spf1 a mx a:whitelist.checktls.com a:spf.checktls.com -all" SPF DNS default._domainkey.checktls.com "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCkZxaMIXWH8NqafDS6Kzr6eNwlofpu+50Y+t9GpgXnCgt3mZTeoFr4kXcxNNfibzDHafcm8aT+Es3t1TOxlhYiqlyi60cVgRajwryRMkPCD4SvxU97V6gj5VFhfz1VtyaHUXYbJnGxShluWPa4AbXMmqey7dNDCPQKl5aOkILdPQIDAQAB" SPF DNS mail11-do.checktls.com SPF DNS mail12-do.checktls.com SPF DNS spf.checktls.com,,,,,,,,,,, SPF DNS whitelist.checktls.com,,,,,,, SPF helo header Received-SPF: none (www2-do.checktls.com: No applicable sender policy available) receiver=www2-do.checktls.com; identity=helo; helo=www2-do.checktls.com; client-ip= SPF helo local www2-do.checktls.com: No applicable sender policy available SPF helo result none SPF helo text none (No applicable sender policy available) SPF mfrom header Received-SPF: pass (checktls.com: is authorized to use 'checktls.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'a:spf.checktls.com' matched)) receiver=www2-do.checktls.com; identity=mailfrom; envelope-from=checktls.com; helo=localhost; client-ip= SPF mfrom local checktls.com: is authorized to use 'checktls.com' in 'mfrom' identity (mechanism 'a:spf.checktls.com' matched) SPF mfrom record v=spf1 a mx a:whitelist.checktls.com a:spf.checktls.com -all SPF mfrom result pass SPF mfrom text pass (Mechanism 'a:spf.checktls.com' matched)


DKIM "signs" an email to assure it is authentic and not changed. To test if your Sender has DKIM setup, use the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test to view your DKIM record from DNS and check that an email sent from you is properly signed. Add DKIM to the test (under Select Extra Options to Show) and follow the instructions to run the test. In the results email you will get from CheckTLS, look for lines like (lines may wrap but each color should be a single line):

DKIM DNS default._domainkey.checktls.com "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCkZxaMIXWH8NqafDS6Kzr6eNwlofpu+50Y+t9GpgXnCgt3mZTeoFr4kXcxNNfibzDHafcm8aT+Es3t1TOxlhYiqlyi60cVgRajwryRMkPCD4SvxU97V6gj5VFhfz1VtyaHUXYbJnGxShluWPa4AbXMmqey7dNDCPQKl5aOkILdPQIDAQAB" DKIM POLICY ADSP "" (default), result="accept" DKIM POLICY author "o=~" (default), result="accept" DKIM POLICY sender "o=-", location="checktls.com", result="accept" DKIM SIGNATURE DETAIL pass DKIM SIGNATURE IDENTITY @checktls.com DKIM result pass


DMARC verifies that either SPF or DKIM or both are working. To test if your Sender has DMARC setup, use the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test to view your DMARC record from DNS and check that an email sent from you passes either SPF or DKIM or both. Add DMARC and SPF and DKIM to the test (under Select Extra Options to Show) and follow the instructions to run the test. In the results email you will get from CheckTLS, look for lines like (lines may wrap but each color should be a single line):

DMARC DNS _dmarc.checktls.com "v=DMARC1; p=quarantine" DMARC DNS _domainkey.checktls.com o=- DMARC DNS checktls.com,, DMARC DNS checktls.com 10 mail11-do.checktls.com.,20 mail12-do.checktls.com.,10 mail11-do.checktls.com.,20 mail12-do.checktls.com.,10 mail11-do.checktls.com.,20 mail12-do.checktls.com. DMARC DNS checktls.com ns2-do.checktls.com.,ns1-do.checktls.com. DMARC DNS checktls.com "v=spf1 a mx a:whitelist.checktls.com a:spf.checktls.com -all",google-site-verification=AsgP5ibWfjEqqi7dy_fN_DWPtzfYcwn0ETAW96ICc04,"v=spf1 a mx a:whitelist.checktls.com a:spf.checktls.com -all",google-site-verification=AsgP5ibWfjEqqi7dy_fN_DWPtzfYcwn0ETAW96ICc04 DMARC DNS default._domainkey.checktls.com "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCkZxaMIXWH8NqafDS6Kzr6eNwlofpu+50Y+t9GpgXnCgt3mZTeoFr4kXcxNNfibzDHafcm8aT+Es3t1TOxlhYiqlyi60cVgRajwryRMkPCD4SvxU97V6gj5VFhfz1VtyaHUXYbJnGxShluWPa4AbXMmqey7dNDCPQKl5aOkILdPQIDAQAB" DMARC DNS mail11-do.checktls.com DMARC DNS mail12-do.checktls.com DMARC DNS whitelist.checktls.com,,,,,,, DMARC disposition none DMARC dkim pass DMARC dkim_align strict DMARC dkim_meta domain checktls.com DMARC dkim_meta identity DMARC dkim_meta selector default DMARC published domain checktls.com DMARC published p quarantine DMARC published v DMARC1 DMARC result pass DMARC spf pass DMARC spf_align strict


BIMI provides visual indication of an email's authenticity in your inbox. It displays the sender's logo next to any email from that sender if the email authenticates using BIMI rules. BIMI has several rules that an email and email sender must pass before the logo displays.

To meet the BIMI rules, a sender must:

To meet the BIMI rules an email must:

Receivers only display the sender's logo if the sender and the email meet all the rules. For the strictest BIMI (e.g. gmail), the sender must also get a Verified Mark Certificate, add it to their https webserver, and add it to their BIMI record in DNS.

To test if your Sender has BIMI setup, use the CheckTLS //email/testFrom: ("TestSender") test to view your BIMI record from DNS and check that an email sent from you has a proper BIMI header and passes strict DMARC. Add BIMI, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to the test (under Select Extra Options to Show) and follow the instructions to run the test. In the results email you will get from CheckTLS, look for lines like (lines may wrap but each color should be a single line):

BIMI domain checktls.com BIMI header v=BIMI1; s=default; BIMI values bimi_object n/a BIMI values headers BIMI_Indicator ...stuff deleted... BIMI values headers BIMI_Location v=BIMI1; l=https://www.checktls.com/images/checktlslogo.svg BIMI values result pass

Receivers test their setup.


TLS encrypts email contents and verifies the Receiver. For TLS to work correctly both Sender and Receiver have to have it enabled. Every modern email server has the capability to do TLS. Receivers need to get a SSL Certificate signed by a trusted Certificate Authority ("CA"), install it, and turn on TLS.

To test if your Receiver has a TLS enabled with a good SSL Certificate, use the CheckTLS //email/testTo: ("TestReceiver") test to see if your email system will use TLS to receive email. Type just your domain name into the eMail Target field and change the Output Format to "Matrix", then click the Run Test button. In the resulting table, look at the TLS and Cert columns. If both say OK then you have TLS enabled and a good SSL Certificate.


For all of the security features outlined here, DNS is used to provide one or more critical pieces of information necessary to make the feature work. DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) protects DNS lookups from being removed, spoofed, altered, or extra answers added.

To test if your Receiver has DNSSEC enabled, use the CheckTLS //email/testTo: ("TestReceiver") test to see if the DNS lookups used to receive email are protected by DNSSEC. Type just your domain name into the eMail Target field and change the Output Format to "Detail". Expand the More Options section and turn on Check DNSSEC, then click the Run Test button. Scroll down past the inputs to the green results under Test Results. In the lookup section, any lines with a green "{DNSSEC}" on the right side were looked up in DNS and authenticated. Any lines with a red "{no DNSSEC}" were looked up in DNS but were not authenticated. Any lines with a red "unresolvable" were not found in DNS, for example:

[000.055]    	MX:A-->mail1.checktls.com{DNSSEC}
[000.059]    	MX:A-->mail1.nodnssec.com{DNSSEC}
[000.059]    	MX:A-->noentry.checktls.com	unresolvable {DNSSEC}
[000.059]    	MX:A-->noentry.nodnssec.com	unresolvable {DNSSEC}


DANE helps authenticate email by informing the Internet that "this domain uses TLS", and "this domain's SSL Certificate is signed by only this (these) CA(s)".

To test if your Receiver has DANE enabled, use the CheckTLS //email/testTo: ("TestReceiver") test. Type just your domain name into the eMail Target field and set the Output Format to "Detail". Expand the More Options section and turn on Check DANE, then click the Run Test button. Scroll down to the Results section to view the results matrix. If the DANE column shows a green OK then your email server has DANE setup correctly. If the DANE column shows a red error, then something is not setup correctly. Look through the greenbar detail results for clues to what could be wrong.

MX Server Pref TLS Secure DANE Score
10 OK
OK 121.00
20 OK
no TLSA(s) 91.00
Average 100% 100% 50% 106


MTA-STS helps authenticate email by informing the Internet that "this domain uses TLS", and "these are the only mail servers that receive email for me". While MTA-STS is similar to DANE, it uses HTTPS (web) rather than DNS to publish its information.

To test if your Receiver has MTA-STS enabled, use the CheckTLS //email/testTo: ("TestReceiver") test. Type just your domain name into the eMail Target field and set the Output Format to "Detail". Expand the More Options section and turn on Check MTA-STS, then click the Run Test button. Scroll down to the Results section to view the results matrix. If the MTA-STS column shows a green OK then your email server has MTA-STS setup correctly. If the MTA-STS column shows a red error, then something is not setup correctly. Look through the greenbar detail results for clues to what could be wrong.

MX Server Pref TLS Secure MTASTS Score
10 OK
OK 121.00
20 OK
no _mta_sts DNS 91.00
Average 100% 100% 50% 106


Senders test their response.


TLS encrypts email contents and verifies the Receiver. To test what your Sender will do when a Receiver does not use TLS, use the CheckTLS //email/testMandatoryFrom: ("TestSenderAssureTLS") test to see if your email system will send an email without TLS. Follow the instructions to tell CheckTLS to listen for an email from you and then exactly how to send that email. CheckTLS will email you back an email with the test result. If it says "SUCCESSFUL...your email server would not fallback to insecure mode" then your Sender will not send email to a server that does not use TLS. If it says "FAILED...we received your Mandatory TLS mail without TLS" then your Sender will send email that is not protected by TLS.

NOTE: most email servers are configured to "get the email through no matter what", meaning this test will say FAILED. This is not a problem because you do want to receive (most) emails even if TLS is not working — you will silently miss about 3-5% of emails if you turn on so called "Mandatory TLS".


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.

Receivers test their response.


TLS encrypts email contents and verifies the Receiver. To test what your Receiver will do when a Sender does not use TLS, use the CheckTLS //email/testMandatoryTo: ("TestReceiverAssureTLS") test to see if your email system will receive email without TLS. Type just your domain name into the eMail Target field and change the Output Format to "Matrix", then click the Run Test button. In the resulting table, look at the AssureTLS column. If it says OK then your Receiver will not accept email that is not protected by TLS. If it says FAIL, then your Receiver will accept email that is not protected by TLS.


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.


No testing available yet.