
See About Monitoring for what Monitor does and how to use it.

These instructions describe how to setup and debug Monitor.

How to run it

Monitor is a web service that your computers use to talk to our computers. When used in production, this service communicates with your computers directly without any user intervention. This interactive screen will help you create web service calls and test them.

Monitor has two output modes: simple and XML. These instructions are for simple mode. See Monitor Modes for more information.

    There are three ways to use this screen:
  • to learn all the features of Monitor
  • to show the output of a specific Monitor web service call
  • to show the URL code that runs a specific Monitor web service

When run interactively you have either four or eight input parameters, depending on the Monitor Mode (below) that you choose.

Customer Code
Your company-wide Customer Code and Password, not your User Code.
Customer Password
Your company-wide password.
The Batch you want to monitor. BatchIds are listed on the Batch Edit main page.
Monitor Mode
Leave this at "CHECK" to use simple mode. See Monitor Modes for more information. The next four fields only show in "CHECK" mode.
Check Age
How old the Batch results can be to still be considered "current" or "successful". 60 minutes is an hour, 1440 is a day. Give yourself some extra time here, since you can set exactly when a Batch starts but the tests in the Batch take different times depending on how busy servers and the Internet are.
Minimum Total
The lowest number that still means all the tests in the Batch worked. See Total in Batch XML Input File for what you can compute for the Batch.
Leave this at "OK/NOK". See Monitor Formats for more information.
Show Results
Leave this at "N". See Show Results for more information.

Use the Return Result button to execute your Monitor web service. A new window will open showing the result of your Monitor. This window is very plain as it shows just what would be returned to your computer system if it executed this web service.

Your input parameters remain on the original screen to make it easy to try more options from About Monitoring.

Use the Show URL button to open a text box at the bottom of the screen showing the web service URL your computer would use to run the Monitor given by your inputs here.

What it does

When you click Return Result, Monitor executes the URL that your inputs here created. Because Monitor is a web service designed to be read by your computers, viewing the results in your browser may be confusing. You cannot hurt anything but it may look like it.

What it shows

The simple mode (Monitor Mode: CHECK) with Format: OK/NOK and Results: N as described above will output one of the following two lines: Test OK Test NOT OK

This output is designed to be read by your computers. You can do something as simple as alerting people of failures in email or pagers, or as complex as turning lights green or red in a Network Operations Center display.

Input Fields
Monitor parameter entry
  1. (maximum, in minutes)
  2. (minimum OK value)